In-Person Workshops
01. Retro Dancefit
Lisa Jurakovich
Sport and Recreation
This is a dance fitness class to all your favourite retro songs. The class offers a combination of high and low impact dance and aerobic moves that will have you grooving to the best tunes of the 80’s. Retro is a high energy class providing a great mix of fun and fitness. Dress ups welcomed!
02. Hanga Tahi (Cancelled)
03. Dance Carnival
Shweta Prabhakar
Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences
The workshop aims to bring university staff together in a fun and engaging way through dance, music, and celebration.
04. Beyond rainbow washing
Sarah Krieg and Tee Bouttier-Esprit
Campus Life
With increased visibility of LGBTQIA+ imagery and branding, is the University at risk of “rainbow washing”? Creating safer spaces for our LGBTQIA+ tauira requires us to mahitahi with communities and actively challenge our preconceived role as a University. Through the framework of the Marae Model, we’ll present how the University already aims to whakamana our students, and the challenges we face in the pursuit of safer spaces. We’ll unpack the development of the University’s rainbow branding through the case study of our Campus Store rainbow merchandise – a range with the potential to spark controversy. In light of our learnings, we will come together to discuss and workshop a different challenge – how we whanaunga our queer community online. Ultimately, our discussion will extend past marketing and communications, and challenge you to consider how to meaningfully support rainbow communities in your own professional context.
05. Choose your own adventure
Renetta Alexander and Treena Brand
Organisational Development, HR
Do you struggle to have meaningful development conversations with your manager? This workshop will empower you to identify your own areas for professional development and to ‘choose your own adventure’ for creating meaningful goals for your current work and ongoing development. Join this workshop and get a head start on how you might apply the framework to all your future development conversations with your manager.
06. Sexy-spendy
Nikki Mandow
Communication and Marketing
Frae Cairns and Kahurangi Malcolm
Puna Awarau
Mahitahi and sustainable procurement: A workshop exploring how we can use the university’s huge buying power as a tool to partner with the community for environmental and social good. Every year the University of Auckland buys stuff. Millions of dollars-worth of goods and services. But who do we buy from, and how can we use this buying power to create change for the communities we are part of? To guide you through the session we have the amazing team from Puna Awarau, a 100% Māori and wahine-led organisationat the forefront of indigenous procurement in Aotearoa.
07. Vā as a Verb (This is a two-part workshop)
Suzanne Acharya and Fay Nanai
Te Tumu Herenga | Libraries & Learning Services
In this workshop Suzanne and Fay talk about their failures, triumphs, and culture clashes in cultivating relationships in their own workspace. They will share how they learned to build relationships within staff networks and student groups. Based on their experiences, they will share the formula they now use to put the ‘how to’ into relationship building that will start you on the path to doing vā as a verb.
08. Mentally Healthy Work
Tracey McGall, Dave Lewis and Howard Fox
Human Resources
Today, prioritising mental health in the workplace is essential for staff well-being. This workshop emphasises aligning with principles rooted in our relationship with Tangata whenua and Te Tiriti o Waitangi. It explores how the principles of Manaakitanga, Whanaungatanga, and Kaitiakitanga support mentally healthy work environments. The workshop offers staff the opportunity to understand the importance of mental health at work and how embracing these principles can create thriving environments through interactive discussions and activities.
09. Whakatipu te mauri
Amy Fishlock, Kiharoa Iverson, Te Hira Mayall-Nahi, Kyle Murray, Rangimaarie Painting, Nopera Rangiuia, Sheye Semple
Talent and Recruitment, HR
Structured as an interactive discussion-based workshop, participants are invited to hear the personal journeys of our Māori graduates and offer valuable insights into their pathways. In smaller groups, participants will also have the opportunity to reciprocate by sharing their own experiences as new entrants into the workforce or as established staff members to continue fostering mutual understanding and connection.
10. Zero UX Given
Joel McGeorge
Student Hubs | Te Tumu Herenga | Libraries and Learning Services
You’ve probably heard some buzz about UX lately, right? Making sure our stuff – whether it’s services, products, or spaces – gives users a great experience is super important. However, UX is often perceived as something exclusive to techsavvy individuals who design flash websites and apps, leaving the rest of in the dark about where to begin. Where do we even start? Surveys? Nah, I’ve got a better idea…
11. SDGs at work
Ellie Kivinen
Sustainability Hub
Embark on an empowering journey with this workshop, designed to illuminate the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) and their relevance to our professional sphere.
12. Party Planning Time
Wayne Burroughs, Julian Toy-Cronin, Maria Thomson
Organisational Performance and Improvement
Participants leave with a positive experience laden with manaakitanga and whanaungatanga, feeling empowered to apply service design techniques in their daily work.
13. Achieving meaningful partnerships
Liletina Vaka, Katalina Ma, Anaru Parangi
Schools and Community Engagement Office
This session is a master class on achieving meaningful partnerships to address educational inequities. We’ll explore effective strategic planning, the challenge of operationalising strategy, people and talent, the importance of service delivery, and the power of data. Hear from a diverse trio about what each of them bring and what each of them have learnt! The leaders behind UE Success will take you on an authentic journey full of relevant insights for any professional – whether you’re a people leader and want to be challenged, or you’re a service delivery professional and want to be inspired – this is one for everyone!
14. Our Common Vision
Dr Jodi Salinsky, Office of Research Strategy and Integrity
Tara Jackson, New Zealand Anti-Vivisection Society (NZAVS)
There has been a great divide and an ‘us and them’ mentality between animal-based research organisations and activist groups. This has resulted in fear, stress, frustration, mistrust, physical and psychological attacks on researchers, and mixed messages to the public and lawmakers.
15. Digital Treasure Hunt
Gill Hotter and Eleanor Almeida
Rātonga Matihiko | Digital Services
Focusing on the conference theme Mahitahi | Come Together, this workshop will explore how having a growth mindset towards digital tools can support relationship building and wellbeing for you and your colleagues.
Countdown to ASPIRE 2025 (1 July, 2025)
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